Business is about building relationships, trust and earning loyaty.
I know when it comes to outsourcing parts of your business, trust and understanding are essential. So, learning more about a person, will help you gain confidence, to build that working a relationship and give you the insight that they will be a great fit to work alongside you.
So, here is a little about me!
I’m Zoe, aka Zoella (we’ll that’s what my husband calls me). Our household is buzzing between my spirited tween, brooding full-on teen (SOS please…tips welcome!). Oh, and my shadow who never disappears on dull days, in the form of a very fluffy, sweet, attention-seeking cockapoo called Buddy, if you have any kind of poodle mixed dog, you’ll know exactly how needy they can be, but I secretly love the attention.
A few favourites:
- Love the ocean.
- A huge Friends fan, I’ve lost count of how many times I rewatched the series.
- Chocolate. Oh, how I love chocolate!
- Snuggling with Buddy since teen hugs are scarce.
In a past life, for 16 years, I owned a photography business, At the beginning Facebook was just a platform to connect with friends, and Instagram was non-existent. Over the years I had to adapt to many changes as social media platforms evolved into a powerful marketing tool. The knowledge I have gained has been invaluable, but to say it was exhausting is an understatement.
I get a buzz supporting small business owners with their social media. Helping to relieve them of the stress and frustration that I experienced. They know that their social media or websites are looked after, so they can get back to what they do best!